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ZD9W - Tristan da Cunha

ZD9W Update (Oct 20)

The weather is bad. Yuris is using the remaining DX-Commander antenna to work on the air. The chances are slim that he would fix the low band vertical and would appear on 160/80m bands in the remaining nights. Ship is scheduled to depart on Monday, October 23, if the weather will permit. Yuris plans to pack the day before - on Sunday.

ZD9W Update (Oct 18)

Wind is getting stronger again and the forecast for the remaining days is not too promising. Low band vertical broke again. It will be repaired if the weather permits. Spiderbeam is still holding.

ZD9W Update (Oct 16)

Evening update: All antennas are restored.

Below video of EA2EYJ completing QRP QSO with ZD9W on 10m band SSB (actual QSO starts from 4:14)


Earlier morning update: From all the antennas only DX-Commander survived the night. Other antennas are now damaged and Yuris will try to repair them.

Wind seemed to calm down yesterday afternoon, so Yuris raised the antennas. But later in the evening wind again got stronger, and this is the result

ZD9W Update (Oct 15)

In the evening Yuris reported that he has repaired Spiderbeam and raised up all antennas. First QSO on 6m band in the log.

ZD9W Update (Oct 13)

Wind got stronger again and broke one leg of Spiderbeam despite it was just slightly elevated above the ground. It is repairable. But this will have to wait until wind calms down. Right now only DX-Commander vertical remains up, other antennas are lowered. Weather forecast promises quite strong wind gusts whole weekend.


Low band vertical is up again and ready for the night. Early this morning Yuris had to lower the main antennas to prevent damage due to the strong wind. He was going to raise them back up when the wind calms down, hopefully later today.

ZD9W Update (Oct 11)

Evening update: Low band vertical is repaired and also 6m band yagi installed

Yesterday low band vertical broke, this is why there was no low band operation last night. Yuris hopes to fix it today when it stops raining. It probably will be 10 cm shorter.

ZD9W Update (Oct 08)

ZD9W shack is in the kindergarten building which is on the edge of the village. Kindergarten has 5 children, 3 employees. Yuris has been given a room where he lives. Most antennas are installed by now, and the routine operation can start. Next week he will install also 6m band yagi. He has tried to put BOG antenna to improve signal reception on low bands, but it wasn't very effective, probably due to the volcanic soil on the island. There is about 5-10 cm of soil followed by volcanic rock. Yuris initially had issues with installing aluminum guy wire supports which he had with him. The owner of the building gave him iron rods, which could penetrate the rock beneath.

Yesterday first 70 CW QSOs on 160m band were done. Managed to get in the log the fellow HAM from his own home town. Also EY8MM got his #319 new DXCC on 160m band in the log. Will continue to operate on the low bands in the coming days too.

The propagation is fantastic. Noise floor is low, especially on the higher bands.

More photos have been added to the Photos section

ZD9W Update (Oct 04)

Yuris has found alternative location with more space for antennas. He installed low band vertical and Spiderbeam.

ZD9W Update (Oct 01)

Very strong wind of Friday (Sep 29). The wind got twice as strong on Saturday (Sep 30), plus it started to rain. DX-Commander antenna broke. Yuris lowered the remaining antennas for the night. Today (October 1st) he fixed the DX-Commander antenna and continued operation on the air. It is sunny today, but the wind still remains strong. Notice bending DX-Commander on the left side of the below video, it might look like just another piece of vegetation initially. More videos and photos added in the photo section.

ZD9W Update (Sep 25)

Another storm

Message from Yuris 19:30z: the latest forecast for arrival at ZD9 is Wednesday (September 27), due to strong winds. He feels ok - seasickness has passed after the 1st day.

25.sep 19:00z: MFV Lance is currently inside another storm. According to the weather forecast storm might subside by midday September 26. About 300 km left to the destination.

ZD9W Update (Sep 24)

Passing through the storm

MFV Lance is maneuvering during the passing storm. Another possibly stronger storm is forecasted on the path for Monday.

ZD9W (Sep 19)


Bands: 6M - 160M

Modes: CW, SSB & FT8

Qsl Info: See Web for full QSL details

Start Date - End Date: Sep 26 - Oct 22


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