Local Ops: AA7JV, KN4EEI & W6IZT
Remote Ops: 9V1YC, AA1V, AA7A, CT1EEB, KY7M, KD4Z, KO8SCA, K1DG, K6GFJ, K6TD, K6MM, ND2T, N1DG, PY5EG, W1RM & W8HC
Bands: 6M - 160M
Modes: CW, SSB & FT8
Qsl Info: Qsl via HA7RY
Start Date - End Date: Jun. 10 - Jun. 24
Webpage: https://www.qrz.com/db/VP6A
Notes: This team will set up the station on Ducie Isl., maintain the antennas and fuel the generators and operate from the Magnet. Utilizing the revolutionary RIB (Rig In a Box) system, in addition to these three operators a team of 15 other licensed hams will connect via the Star Link system for operating. Logs will be uploaded to Clublog daily during the DXpedition. You can order QSLs from there. Logs will also be uploaded to LOTW as QSLs are ordered and full log 6 months after the DXPedition.
