VK9XGM Update (Nov 07)
We have taken the very difficult decision to cancel our DXpedition to VK9X. We have had a reply this morning from YL2GM. The VK9XY location is only 200m from ours. YL2GM told us he secured his licence in January this year but ‘it is his tactic’ to only announce a DXpedition two weeks in advance.
We find this behaviour and his response, with no offer of apology or compromise, or even a recognition of our plans, disgusting. This is completely against the normal ‘rules of the game’ and lacking in ‘Ham Spirit’. Announcing a DXpedition in advance is supposed to avoid this kind of problem. Licences are issued for a year, but a licence, in of itself, means little. The DXpedition only ‘exists’ when it is announced to the community. We have been totally open in announcing our trip well in advance and we cannot believe that YL2GM and EA5EL were unaware of our plans. To not inform us of theirs is incredibly selfish.
We deeply regret having to take this decision, with enormous financial cost and wasted time for us, but anyone who has planned and executed a DXpedition will hopefully understand that we have been put in an intolerable position.
More information soon.....
73 Keith GM4YXI and Chris GM3WOJ
Source: https://www.vk9xgm.com/
VK9XGM (Nov 06)
Bands: 10M - 160M
Modes: CW, SSB, FT4 & FT8
Qsl Info: Qsl via N3SL & LoTW
Start Date - End Date: Nov. 21 - Dec. 05
Webpage: https://www.vk9xgm.com/
Notes: They will be QRV in the CQ WW DX CW Contest
