V6SX Update (Oct 30)
Because of blackouts and unstable Wifi connection, your QSO might have missed in the log.
Please wait until we return home to request any confirmation of your QSOs.
Please email to Kiyo, JA1WWO, to ask for checking logs.
Many thanks for your patience.
Kiyo Sato: ja1wwo@gmail.com
Source: https://www.qrz.com/db/V6SX
V6SX Update (Oct 27)
We experienced a tropical storm yesterday. Our antenna project was stalled. We are expecting good weather today.However the heavy S9+ noises, we worked about 20 European stations on 80m in addition to 4X and 9K.
We may hook up an 80m reception antenna to improve the RX.
We experience three times black out caused by the generator's reset or something. We have to restart computers and wifi connection every time it happens.
So, please be patient when you see our disappearances once in a while.
We will use V6Y for the coming SSB contest. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Source: https://www.qrz.com/db/V6SX
V6SX Update (Oct 23)
Two of our group members have been working hard to build antennas for all bands, 160 through 6. At this moment 10m VDA, 20m HEX and BigIR are finished and working. They will build 160m full size sloping vertical with radials, 80m ground plane with a loop radial, 40m zepp, 15m vertical dipole, and 6element Yagi-Uda for 6m.
They are still coping with some troubles with WSJT. But they should be resolved soon. The operations have been done during system test and antenna adjustments.
The rest of the group, 7 members, will arrive in V6 soon.
We hope to see you soon on the bands.
Source: https://www.qrz.com/db/V6SX
V6SX Update (Oct 21)
"Attention, please."
V6SX expedition had started. However, the most of team members and equipment will arrive next week.
We are currently on the air using one IC-7300 and one note book PC. That one PC is difficult to cover all performance of Clublog realtime log and LiveStream as well as our operation. Therefore, we will stop these function and upload the log irregularly until the next week. Thank you for your understainding and patient.
Source: https://www.qrz.com/db/V6SX
V6SX (Oct 13)
Bands: 6M - 160M
Modes: CW, SSB, FT4 & FT8
Qsl Info: Qsl via Clublog OQRS or LoTW
Start Date - End Date: Oct. 23 - Oct. 31
Webpage: https://www.qrz.com/db/V6SX
Notes: They will be QRV in the CQ WW DX, SSB
