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Africa Tour - Z22AO, 9J2AO, A25AO & V51/HA5AO

09 Sep 2024

Arrival to Zimbabwe

I arrived to Victoria Falls International Airport, Zimbabwe, on Monday afternoon, 2nd September. Only one of my three checked in luggage's arrived.

It contained my personal stuff and some small parts, i.e.KAT-500 and tools. The two packages with the radios and the antenna did not arrived. I opened a case at the lost baggage desk. They had no computer and could not tell me where could be my packs. They could not even give a PIR reference number. I just received a form to complete. Later I was advised by Emirates Airways Customer Service that my luggage's were left behind at the Johannesburg airport where I had a transfer to Zambia by the Airlink Airways. They said that I will receive them by the next flight. There is one flight per day, so I went back to the airport yesterday, but only one of my package with the radio and PA arrived. The antenna pack still left at Jo'burg. I was very disappointed but the good news was that the customs clearance was smooth. The customs officer asked some question what is these radios for, but he did not really understood what I was talking about. I show him my licenses, short discussion with the boss, than finally I was cleared and I could leave. Today afternoon I must be back again to the airport hoping that the antennas will be received and I can start the operation this evening. I lost two days so far.

I would like to say many thanks to Dan, Z21ML, who sent me an email kindly offering a multiband wire vertical antenna if my antenna might not be received. The HAM spirit still exist.

26 Aug 2024

Due to the reason which is out of my control I have to cancel the operation from Namibia. I will extend my staying at Botswana till 14 October. I am wishing good luck to the V55LA team.

31 Jul 2024

I have received the LotW certificates for my Z22AO, 9J2AO, A25AO and V51/HA5AO callsigns. The QTHs are fully booked. The visa to Namibia is applied and hopefully will be granted soon.  All the equipment and antennas tested and packed in 3 baggages. The total weight is 92 kg, excluding my personal stuff. Thank you for the generous support from Spiderbeam and Messi & Paoloni.

I am going to leave 1st September and will arrive to Victoria Falls International Airport, Zimbabwe on the 2nd Sept. The first signals can be expected on 3rd. Just a reminder on my schedule:

  • 03-13 September, Zimbabwe, Zambezi National Park region as Z22AO, QRA: KH21ww

  • 14-23 September, Zambia, Victoria Falls region as 9J2AO, QRA: KH22wc; WWFF: 9JFF-0012

  • 24 Sept-04 October, Botswana, Chobe National Park as A25AO, QRA: KH22oc; WWFF: A2FF-0002

  • 05-14 October, Namibia, Katima Mulilo region as V51/HA5AO QRA: KH22dm

My QTHs are in or around natural parks. The lodges are protected by electric fence keeping the big wild animals away. These electric fences may generate high noise level, but I do hope that it will not make CW impossible. I was advised that monkeys and baboons can enter the premises. I also do hope they will not damage my main antenna. This is the reason I decided to use the sturdier Hustler vertical antenna and not the lightweight DX Commander even if it significantly increases the weight of my baggage.  

Log search and OQRS will be available on my web site.


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