8Q7JF Update (Jun 22)
Hi Guys
I had to go to QRT because Monsun arrived. Yesterday evening we became a very hard thunderstorm there. I had to dismantling all antennas. One Fiberpol was almost broken. We could rescue the pole. I hoped that the storm went by shortly. NIL. Since 07z we got lot of heavy rain and storm. So its not possible to operate. Sri. I hope that the weather will improve the next days but the weather repport want to annoy me. Anyway, temperatures are great, drinks are great and peoples are great here. Hope to see you as soon as possible again on the bands.
73s Felix 8Q7JF
Source: https://www.qrz.com/db/8Q7JF
8Q7JF Update (Jun 19)
Hey Guys,
after a great day here on Helengeli I could run another great PileUp to Europe during the night.
I worked some JAs and some Ws on 20m. Other bands seems like to be dead. I improved the Vertical with more radials. Thats seems like a big deal. I also add a coil for 30m and 40m. Will see what happened. Sadly, the bands open here late night. I have to wake up 08.00 a.m - because YL ;) - Yes, we have holidays... : )
After the massive EU Pile in CW I could install FT8 with 3 streams. PileUp was great. I will try to hand out 8Q this evening/night again on 20m. I will try also 30m and 40m. No idea if it works. Lets see...
BTW, last night I called severel times stations and there was some minutes no HamSpirit there. Please LISTEN! When I call DL I mean DL, not IZ or HB9! If you have no dicipline I will going QRT and you can also go to bed.
UP means UP and not simplex! If you don`t hear me don`t call me! Wait for a peak!
Thanks in advance and 73s Felix 8Q7JF
Source: https://www.qrz.com/db/8Q7JF
8Q7JF Update (Jun 18)
After a hot humid day Condx were terrible. All Bands seems dead. Nothing heard in CW and FT8. I was frustrated. Just before go to bed ( 23 local ) I switched the station on and called CQ. Big PileUp from Europe. Thanks. I have some RX issues. Signals are quite weak. Please be patient. During the Day I will observe the bands and I will try to hand out 8Q as much ad possible. Btw. Today is my Birthday ( 33 ).
Source: https://www.qrz.com/db/8Q7JF
8Q7JF Update (Jun 17)
Good News. 8Q7JF will be QRV from apprx. 20 local time today. The Manager was here. After a call from Parker 8Q7PR everything works now. Will build the antenna after sunset 15z. I hope for less QRM and fun with with you on the bands. QSX UP. CU from Helengeli on shortwave CW and FT8.
Source: https://www.qrz.com/db/8Q7JF
8Q7JF Update (Jun 16)
There are problems with the antenna permission in the ressorts ( but I got the permission in Febuary).
I got hospitility from 3 Guys who made some photos from the Equipment. They never seen such devices. Sadly, authority of Maldives has closed till 22th. June due to Holidays. I cant say if the problem will solved as soon as possible. I will give my best to activate 8Q7JF. If there any news I will post it here. Please QRX and fingers crossed....
Source: https://www.qrz.com/db/8Q7JF
8Q7JF (Jun 08)
Bands: 6M - 30M
Modes: CW & FT8
Qsl Info: Qsl via DM5JBN (direct, LoTW or DARC BURO)
Start Date - End Date: Jun 16 - Jun 29
Webpage: https://www.qrz.com/db/8Q7JF
Notes: Holiday style operation
