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Ham radio operators honor 100-year-old for service

A 100-year-old Haywood County resident has been honored for her service to ham radio.

Just days after her milestone birthday, Dorothy McCracken received the SUGAR award from the American Radio Relay League.

The SUGAR award stands for Supporting Upgrading Growing Amateur Radio and was awarded in celebration of McCracken’s longevity, service to her community, and dedication to amateur radio. Marv Hoffman, the N.C. section manager of the league, presented the plaque to McCracken at the rehabilitation home where she resides.

Hoffman has only given out the award four times in four years, said McCracken’s daughter, Janet McCracken.

“He was particularly impressed that she had given so many exams and was a volunteer instructor for so many years all over the western Piedmont region in North Carolina. She had given exams to amateur radio operators in Charlotte during their annual gatherings, and she gave exams with my father all over the United States,” Janet said.

Hoffman visited with Dorothy for an hour as she recounted her ham radio memories. McCracken was recently featured in an article in The Mountaineer, recounting significant moments in her 100 years of life. Notably, she spent considerable time operating ham radios as an amateur radio operator, communicating locally, nationally, and internationally. She and her husband, Lewis, often camped with their radio group after their retirements. The two administered exams all over the United States, and she learned Morse code.

Janet said it was rare for women to learn Morse code back in the 1980s, but her mother was hell-bent on doing so.

“She said a lot of ham operators told her, ‘We’ve never heard of any women learning Morse code,’ and she replied, ‘I was just determined to show them that I could do it,’” Janet recalled.

A member of the American Radio Relay League shared the article with Hoffman, who was impressed with her accomplishments in the radio world.

Now, the plaque is displayed in Dorothy’s room at her rehabilitation facility, serving as a reminder of one of her and her late husband’s favorite pastimes.

“She was honored and really surprised,” Janet said. “It’s just great that she’s receiving all these blessings for her many years of service to the community.”


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