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UPCOMING: 10th YOTA Summer Camp Croatia 2022

This year’s 10th YOTA Summer Camp will be held in Karlovac, Croatia, from 6th to 13th August. The organizers as well as all worldwide attending teams are looking forward to a week of training, fun and most important new friendships.

And also YOU can be part of the event!

YOTA Team Croatia (HRS) established an AWARD which everyone can achieve by working the YOUNGSTERS ON THE AIR during the Summer Camp 2022.


1 Points

This award is awarded based on a defined number of points. Each QSO with a 9A YOTA station (9A22YOTA, 9A1YOTA, 9A2YOTA, 9A3YOTA, 9A4YOTA, 9A5YOTA, 9A100QO) in a different band/mode combination (slot) earns you one point. Duplicates do not count. Valid QSOs will be QSOs made from August 6th 2022 0000 UTC to August 13th 2022 2359 UTC.

2 Scoring

You can obtain the award after having gathered the minimum required points (see Table 1 below). Minimum required points differ for young operators (see Table 2 below).

Award Level Minimum Number of Stations Minimum Number of Slots

Bronze 9A22YOTA + 1 (2) 6

Silver 9A22YOTA + 2 (3) 10

Gold 9A22YOTA + 4 (5) 20

Platinum 9A22YOTA + 4 (5) max

Table 1: Minimum required points (all operators)

Award Level Minimum Number of Stations Minimum Number of Slots

Bronze 9A22YOTA + 1 (2) 4

Silver 9A22YOTA + 2 (3) 8

Gold 9A22YOTA + 4 (5) 12

Platinum 9A22YOTA + 4 (5) max

Table 2: Minimum required points (young operators)

In case of a tie for a platinum position, both operators will be awarded platinum awards, but the operator that gathered the maximum number of points sooner will be given the prize.

3 Young Operators

A young operator is an operator who was under the age of 25 on January 1st 2022. Before August 13th 2359 UTC, young operators can register online, providing evidence of their age on January 1st 2022. This will allow them to participate in the awards as young operators and have adjusted the minimum required points. To register you can fill in a form (

4 Schedule

Operating times for different stations during the camp can be seen in Table 3 below.

Station (Callsign)Operating Date

9A22YOTA August 6th – August 13th

9A1YOTA August 6th – August 13th

9A2YOTA August 8th

9A3YOTA August 10th

9A4YOTA August 10th

9A5YOTA August 12th

9A100QO August 6th – August 13th

Table 3: Operating times for YOTA stations

5 Bands and Modes

During the duration of the YOTA Summer Camp Croatia 2022, the following bands and modes will be used.


All amateur radio bands including WARC, VHF, UHF, and satellites.


SSB, CW, digital (FT8, FT4, RTTY).

6 Awards

Awards will be presented online. All operators which have gathered the minimum required points will be able to download their award after the final scoring after the end of the YOTA Summer Camp Croatia 2022.

7 Prize

The prize for platinum position operators above the age of 25, is s 9A5N key plus a weekend break for a family of four in the city of Karlovac, Croatia. The prize for platinum position operators under the age of 25, is a CircuitMess Synthia plus a surprise.


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