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Transmissions Set to Mark Transatlantic Test Success

A replica 1BCG transmitter will operate as W2AN/1BCG on ±1.820 MHz on CW, from The Vintage Radio and Communications Museum of Connecticut. “We’re using type 204-A tubes,” said Mark Erdle, AE2EA, of the Antique Wireless Association. “The original transmitter used type 204 tubes. The primary difference is that the 204-A tubes had a thoriated filament that reduced the filament current. Transmissions from W2AN/1BCG will be one way, just like the original transatlantic tests in 1921. An SWL certificate is available by emailing a copy of the transmitted message. Transmissions start on December 11 at 2300 UTC continuing every 15 minutes until December 12 at 0400 UTC.

In a separate event on December 12 at 0252 UTC, The Radio Club of America’s W2RCA will make a one-way transmission on 1825 kHz at 12 WPM CW, from Connecticut. RCA members constructed the original transmitter and “shack” used in Connecticut for the successful transatlantic transmissions. In addition to the original 1921 message, a new message will be transmitted that looks ahead to the next 100 years. Those who copy the message qualify for a certificate. — Thanks to Mark Erdle, AE2EA, Antique Wireless Association, and the Radio Club of America


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