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Sweden’s SAQ VLF Alexanderson Alternator Station Schedules Christmas Eve Transmission

On December 24, SAQ in Grimeton, Sweden, is scheduled to transmit a Christmas message to the world, using the 97-year-old 200 kW Alexanderson alternator on 17.2 kHz CW. At 0730 UTC, a livestream will begin on YouTube. Start-up and tuning of the Alexanderson alternator will begin at 0800 UTC. Transmissions will begin at 0800 UTC. Some test transmissions will take place on December 23 between 1200 UTC and 1600 UTC. SAQ will be on the air for shorter periods during this interval, when technicians will be carrying out some tests and measurements.

Comments are welcome. Reports to SAQ QSL are welcome. Amateur radio station SK6SAQ will be active on 3.535 MHz, 7.035 MHz, and 14.035 MHz CW, and on 3.755 MHz and 7.140 MHz SSB. Two stations will be on the air most of the time.


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