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Small HF Antenna by SM0VPO

Over the past two months I have been playing with HF antennas in the range of 3.5MHz to 29.7MHz. My basic problem is one of the the two radio amateurs nightmares - lack of space. I just don't have it available. I used to live in a villa outside Arlanda, and with 2200 square metres of garden I was spoilled rotten. Just for fun I put up a full, centre-fed dipole for 1.8MHz.

Today I have a little house in Märsta with a very small garden that is just 8 metres wide. In addition I have a local community that have strict regulation as to what I can erect. Basically, if it has a high-profile then I have to take it down. I need to find a limited space antenna solution that will let me use 7MHz through to 29.7MHz. 3.5MHz has been achieved, but I have an S9 level of noise on the 80m band, so that will be a project for later.


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