Makani 'Ino is Hawaiian for "big wind" and the name of Hawaii's Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) upcoming hurricane emergency communications drill. The drill will assess the ability of amateur radio operators to establish emergency radio communications in the event of a severe infrastructure failure due to hurricane-like conditions.
In addition to testing two-way radio communications, the drill will also use Winlink Global Radio Email® to send and receive messages from surrounding islands and participating agencies. Radio operators will first use radio, then they'll send simulated digital messages using Winlink for reports and requests for assistance.
Hawaii ARES Public Information Officer Michael Miller, KH6ML, said, "With this drill, we are also trying to increase the level of participation, so that all operators have the chance to develop the skill sets for real-world situations." Miller added, "It is important for younger, or new, amateur radio operators to know they can use their digital skills in emergency situations."
Miller also said they will be sending after-action reports to participating agencies, such as the National Weather Service and the American Red Cross, to help improve communications using amateur radio technology.
This is the second statewide drill conducted by Hawaii ARES in 2022. Makani 'Ino begins Saturday, July 16, 2022, from 9 AM to noon Hawaii Standard Time.
SOURCE: http://www.arrl.org/news/hawaii-hurricane-emergency-communications-drill-set-for-july-16-2022