With COVID-19 uncertainties precluding an in-person gathering for a second year, the 23rd annual Ham Radio University (HRU) educational conference will be held as a virtual event again this year, on Saturday, January 8, 1300 – 2000 UTC, as an online GoToWebinar videoconference.
Advance registration is required and begins on December 20.
HRU 2022 will be adding five forums this year, for a total of 19 presentations by experts in a broad range of amateur radio activities, including Amateur Radio Emergency Communications; Basics of HF Operating; Ham Radio Contesting and DXing; Communicating through Amateur Radio Earth Satellites; Software-Defined Radios; HF and VHF Digital Communications; Parks on the Air; SKYWARN; Cables and Connectors, and Using RaspberryPi Computers in Amateur Radio. Online attendees will be able to ask questions of the presenters.
Founded by Phil Lewis, N2MUN (SK), HRU also will serve as the online convention of the ARRL NYC-Long Island Section. As in past years, participation in HRU 2022 is free; an optional donation $5 is suggested.
Additional information is online, including the schedule of forums and advance registration starting December 20.