Even before the publication of Official Gazette 2021 – 24 scheduled for Dec. 22, the German Federal Network Agency BNetzA informs that the toleration regulations for 160 meters valid for the current year will be extended until Dec. 31, 2022. Otherwise, these “temporary permissions” would have expired on Dec. 31, 2021.
In the 160-meter band, permission to operate in the 1850 — 1890 kHz and 1890 — 2000 kHz frequency ranges at full transmit power in accordance with the respective license class A (750 W PEP) or E (100 W PEP) applies as before; however, this applies only on weekends. Likewise, contest operation is tolerated only during weekends there.
This regulation, which is favorable for amateur radio, results from the good and trustful cooperation between the RTA (Round Table Amateur Radio), the BNetzA, the primary user Bundeswehr and the frequency management department of the DARC.
The toleration regulation also affects the bands 6 and 4 m as well as access to the Hamnet for Class E holders. More detailed information is available at darc.de. The official gazettes of the Federal Network Agency BNetzA can also be downloaded at https://www.bnetza-amtsblatt.de/2021/. Bernd J. Mischlewski, DF2ZC, DARC frequency management officer, provides information about this.