Dayton Hamvention® organizers are planning to mount the first in-person show in 2022, following 2 years of COVID-related cancellations. The event is set for May 20 – 22 at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia, Ohio. Last January, Hamvention organizers from the sponsoring Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) announced they were calling off the 2021 event after considerable planning was already under way. The Hamvention Executive Committee cited lagging COVID-19 vaccine distribution in the US and the emergence of a more communicable form of the virus.
Southgate Amateur Radio News quotes Hamvention General Chairman Rick Allnutt, WS8G, as saying that Hamvention committees “have been meeting, and volunteers are committed to making up for the time lost to pandemic cancellations.” The Hamvention website is already accepting bookings from vendors and inside exhibitors, and individual visitors can already buy tickets, which Allnutt said, “are all printed and ready to go.”
Nominations for the 2022 Hamvention Awards opened on November 1. Hamvention seeks “the best of the best” nominees for its Technical Achievement, Special Achievement, Amateur of the Year, and Club of the Year awards. Nominations close on February 15, 2022. Submit nomination forms via email or USPS to Hamvention Awards Committee, Box 964, Dayton, OH 45401-0964
Contest University (CTU) will take place on May 19 in conjunction with the annual Hamvention Super Suite activities, which will be moving to the Hope Hotel in Dayton. In addition to CTU, these activities will include the Top Band Dinner, the Contest Dinner, and the KC DX Club’s CW-copying competition, among other possible events.